Monday, September 22, 2008

How to Hear God - Discover How To Hear God For Yourself

Do you long to be able to hear God more clearly? Come and join us and discover how to hear God, it's easier than you think

I'd like to invite you to listen to the replay of my first ever Christian life coaching teleseminar. You don't need to travel anywhere, you can join us from the comfort of your home!

Here are some of the questions we answer

  • What do you mean by Hearing God's voice?
  • What are some of the ways that God speaks to us?
  • What does God sound Like?
  • How can I hear God more clearly?
  • How can I make sure that hearing God is part of my daily life?
  • Do only super spiritual people hear God?
  • Does God speak to non-Christians?
  • How can I know that what I hear is really God and not just my own thoughts?
  • How do I know that I'm not just making it all up?
And of course, much more.

I have a guest speaker, Marilyn Parmelee, author of Hearing God's Voice For Yourself.

We will be recording the teleseminar so that you can benefit whatever your plans.

If the day and time don't fit your schedule, you can still join in! I can hardly wait to meet you and share keys to hearing God more clearly.

The recording of How To Hear God is available for immediate download

You'll find all the details here

Why don't you also check out How To Hear God - A Step By Step Guide You'll find it here

Monday, September 15, 2008

God's Transforming Power

We have much to learn from nature. It is one of the many ways that God speaks to us. Ask the Holy Sprit to speak to you as you share in what the Lord has been speaking to Kathi Pelton.
The Transformation of the Passionate Believer
Kathi Pelton

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5-6

There has been much talk about a transformation or metamorphosis occurring in the Body of Christ throughout the world. As I pondered what this transformation looks like, the verse in John 15:5-6 kept coming to my mind.

I know that God is drawing us into a deeper and truer intimacy and passion for Him. Abiding in this passionate relationship is bringing a restoration to true Christianity and Bridal intimacy. During this journey of transition, a friend of our family told me the true story of the life of the "the passion vine butterfly."

Looking at the Life of the Passion Vine Butterfly

Here are the facts regarding this amazingly prophetic little insect:

Entomologists study insects. Etymologists say that the word "butterfly" was originally "flutter by," but over the centuries it metamorphosed into its current form. The butterfly was once called a "flutter by," because as any amateur entomologist will tell you, this is what butterflies do.

However, not all butterflies exhibit this in-flight behavior. The "Passion Vine Butterfly" (Heliconius), flies in a slow, serene, straight line. This butterfly is so named because of its special relationship with the plant called the "Passion Vine" (passiflora).

The Passion Vine produces a cyanide releasing chemical that makes it inedible to most insects. But the caterpillars of the Passion Vine Butterfly are able to process the chemical without harm and voraciously eat the leaves of the passion vine. Not only do the caterpillars suffer no ill effects, but they store the poison in their bodies, thus becoming inedible to birds of prey and other predators.

This protection is retained when they metamorphose into butterflies. Since the Passion Vine Butterfly is unpalatable to birds, it does not need to fly in a "rapid and erratic fashion to avoid being eaten." Instead, it slowly flies in a straight, purposeful path from flower to flower.

There are mimics of the Passion Vine Butterfly that, due to coloration and general body shape, look very much like the Passion Vine Butterfly. These look-alike butterflies do not have the protective toxin in their bodies and therefore can be eaten by the birds - though most birds leave them alone as they are "fooled" by the mimicry.

However, there is one tropical American bird, the jacamar (galbulidae), that is able to distinguish between the inedible passion vine butterfly and the tasty mimics. The jacamar sits up in a tree and observes how the butterflies fly. If the flight pattern is slow and straight, the jacamar knows that even though it would be easy to catch, it would have a bitter taste and be inedible.

If the butterfly has the rapid, erratic, typical "flutter by" flight pattern exhibited by most butterflies, it knows that it is not a Passion Vine Butterfly despite the colorization, and it swoops down for a meal.

I believe that God is calling us to eat and drink of our "Passion Vine," Jesus Christ

We are to commune with Him and be partakers of His Blood and His body so that we might live. We are to feed upon the Bread of Life. We are to abide in Him, our Passion Vine, and as we abide in Him we will be like those caterpillars that can digest this "cyanide" and metamorphose into a butterfly that is not susceptible to the predator (the enemy) that would want to take our lives. We will also be distinguished by our "flight pattern"...rather than moving in a rapid (frantic) or erratic pattern, we will move in a serene, slow and straight pattern (the rest of the Lord).

The Passion of Christ

I found this story of a Jesuit priest in Peru during the 1600's who saw the Passion Vine and the Passion Vine Butterfly as a symbolic picture of the Passion of Christ. Here is what he wrote:

"The crown of thorns, the nails, the color of Jesus' robe, the whips for scourging, were all seen in the complex structure of the flower now known as the Passion Vine Flower."

This plant contains cyanogenic glycosides which release the poison cyanide. When the caterpillar of the Passion Vine Butterfly eats the leaves of this poisonous plant, it then has the ability to form a cocoon and become a butterfly. So too, when we accept the work of Christ's Passion; when we 'eat His body and drink His Blood,' we have the ability to be transformed into a new creation.

"And just as the Passion Vine Butterfly takes a straight flight path as it need not fear predators, so too, we have 'Christ in us, the Hope of Glory' and are now able to walk the 'straight and narrow.'

Indeed, if we try to walk in our own strength, we will only be 'faking it' and the mimicry will not fool the prowling lion who seeks one whom he may devour - just like the jacamar looks for the butterfly that can't fly straight.

"Entomologists say that the mimics of the Passion Vine Butterfly use about 20% more energy in flight than the ones they mimic. Are we weary? Let us return to the One who says that His yoke is easy and whose burden is light...light as a butterfly."

What a wonderful picture of our metamorphosis. Through the Blood and Body of our crucified Christ, we are a new creation that now can fly straight and slow...and serene, not fearing our predators that seek to devour us. We have taken the communion of the "passion vine," Jesus Christ, and now we can enter into His true rest.

To Know Christ Alone

"For I resolved to know nothing (to be acquainted with nothing, to make a display of the knowledge of nothing, and to be conscious of nothing) among you except Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and Him crucified." 1 Corinthians 2:2 (Amplified Bible)

Recently, I was enjoying a conversation with a man that I highly respect. For years now I have watched in awe the journey of this man's life and witnessed his involvement in decisions that not only affect individuals but also nations; he is a man who moves straight and steady...always watching and waiting to see what the Father is doing. He has always had a deep intimacy with the Lord that causes him to "hit the mark" and to make wise decisions.

During our conversation, he began to tell me about the "plumb line" that he lives his life by. He said that each day (and in every circumstance and decision) he looks for the plumb line that Paul spoke of in 1 Corinthians 2:2, "To know Christ alone, and Him crucified."

He proceeded to explain to me how he is always searching for where Christ is and what He is doing and then he aligns himself as closely as he can get to that. Christ alone (through the power of the Holy Spirit) is his compass, his delight, and the wisdom that he lives by.

As he spoke, I entered into a deeper understanding that I cannot put my confidence in any knowledge that I may have gained, nor anything that I have been acquainted with; but instead, I need to daily find where Jesus is in each moment and every decision and then get as close as I can to Him. To only do what I see my Father doing...because that is where Jesus will be.

But the verse goes on to say, "...and Him crucified." Through the Cross of Christ, we have been reconciled to God and filled with the Holy Spirit who will lead us, not with the wisdom of man, but instead with the wisdom that comes only from God alone.

By the power given to us through our crucified Christ, our weakness and dependency on His Spirit becomes the threshold for many to be carried into salvation, truth and relationship with the invisible God. The Cross is the threshold that we crossed to obtain eternal life, and it is the power that comes from the Cross that enables us to walk in confidence...slow and steady and fruitful.

Dependency on the Vine

We know that Christ is the true Vine, and just as the Passion Vine Butterfly depends upon the chemical that comes from the passion vine to keep it from harm, so we need to continually depend upon and feed upon the fruit of our true Vine to keep us from harm.

Apart from the chemical imparted to the caterpillar (that will become the Passion Vine Butterfly), it is not protected from predators, but as it feeds upon this vine it is infused with a protection that allows it, after becoming a butterfly, to fly slow and straight. No longer does it need to flutter up and down, here and there, trying to escape the predator that seeks to take its life.

As we abide in Christ and seek to know Him, we are infused with His precious Spirit that allows us to fly slow and straight, because we know that even our greatest enemy will recognize His Spirit who is within us.

I have to admit that much of my Christian walk has been spent "fluttering" rather than flying straight. I have walked in too much fear of the "predator" who seeks to devour our lives; forgetting that I have been infused with the Holy Spirit who is also like cyanide to the enemy. Our authority to fly slow and straight comes from the power of the Cross...from our Savior and Friend, the crucified Christ. As we remain in Him and go only where He is going and do only what He is doing, we will be kept from the "fearful fluttering" that attracts our predator's attention.

Ask the Lord to give you the confidence that the Passion Vine Butterfly moves in. We no longer want to live our lives "fluttering" in fear, but instead we want to live and move slow and steady, knowing that His Spirit is our shield and rampart. We want to abide in and near the Vine to keep our lives filled with His Spirit. If we are truly spiritual "Passion Vine Butterflies," then why do we fly as if we are imposters? Only the mimics have to flutter because they are not filled with the true chemical that makes them inedible to their predators.

A New Level of Surrender

"'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' declares the LORD. 'As the Heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.'" Isaiah 55:8-9

Since the very beginning of 2008, I have personally felt as though I was in a refiner's fire where all the "precious" in my life is being purified and all the worthless is being burned away. The interesting thing is that much of what I thought was precious has been burned away as worthless. Many things: thoughts, beliefs and even personal convictions, God has burned away because they had become "laws written in stone" by me rather than by the wisdom of His Spirit.

I have been challenged again and again to walk in every circumstance by the leading of His Spirit of grace rather than by what knowledge I have gained through past life experiences...making laws from past successes.

There is a spirit of surrender coming upon many that is causing them to allow the Holy Spirit to rid them of all of their own ways...even things that seemed good. I believe it is the making of the new wineskin so that the new wine will not be spilled out as God pours it forth. We have seen that God is pouring forth new wine, but it cannot be contained in old wineskins.

In God's mercy, He is exposing all that would cause a bursting and spilling of His new wine. Though some exposures are quite high profile, I believe that all of God's people are going through personal exposures of the areas in their lives that have become brittle and old...or where we have strayed from abiding in the true Vine. Remember as we pray for one another that where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. We pray for grace for those that have fallen and for our own fallen places.

"God's law was given so that all people could see how sinful they were. But as people sinned more and more, God's wonderful grace became more abundant. So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God's wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 5:20-21

God is removing the stumbling blocks that are in the way of His Kingdom being established. He has called us to prepare the way for a great harvest and for His Kingdom coming to earth. He is preparing the way for the fullness of the Gentiles and the opening of the eyes of the Jews.

God longs to restore those who are bruised with sorrow for their sin. This is a time to pray for true repentance within all of the Body of Christ...for all of our wanderings and for all the areas that we have strayed from the purity of knowing Christ alone, and Him crucified. Let's look at Isaiah 57:14-19 from the Amplified Bible:

"And the word of One shall go forth, 'Cast up, cast up, prepare the way! Take up the stumbling block out of the way [of the spiritual return] of My people.'

"For thus says the high and lofty One - He Who inhabits eternity, Whose name is Holy: 'I dwell in the high and holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly penitent and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent [bruised with sorrow for sin].

"'For I will not contend forever, neither will I be angry always, for [if I
did stay angry] the spirit [of man] would faint and be consumed before Me, and
[My purpose in] creating the souls of men would be frustrated.

"'Because of the iniquity of his [Judah's] covetousness and unjust gain I was angry and smote him. I hid My face and was angry, and he went on turning away and backsliding in the way of his [own willful] heart.

"'I have seen his [willful] ways, but I will heal him; I will lead him also and will recompense him and restore comfort to him and to those who mourn for him.
"Peace, peace, to him who is far off [both Jew and Gentile] and to him who is near!' says the Lord; 'I create the fruit of his lips, and I will heal him [make his lips blossom anew with speech in thankful praise].'"

These verses are of great comfort to many of God's people in this hour. This is His promise of healing for not only the one who falls, but also for all those who mourn due to his fallings. We are learning as a people to rejoice with those who rejoice and to mourn with those who mourn. If we are one in the Spirit, then when one falls we all must own it and come to a place of corporate repentance. And when one is restored we can all rejoice in a corporate celebration.

God is calling us to abide in Him (the True Vine) and to drink of Him so that we might be those who fly slow and straight. No more fluttering, no more mimicking, no more fearful or frantic behaviors. It is a time of surrendering to the grace of His discipline and His transformation.

Will we allow Him to create in His Church the new wineskin that will hold the new wine? My white flag of surrender is raised and I want to go and drink from our Passion Vine.

Kathi Pelton Light Streams Ministries Email:

as posted on the Elijah List

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Hidden For A Pupose - You Are God's Secret Weapon

You are God's secret Weapon


Victoria Boyson

"My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place." Psalm

At the Verge of Breakthrough

Have you ever felt forgotten by God? Do you feel invisible? Does God seem to be blessing everyone except you? Do your expectations of God seem to meet with cold indifference from Him?

If your answer is "yes," then rejoice, because you are at the edge of a miracle! You are on the verge of a breakthrough! The door to your destiny is about to swing open!

The most difficult time of any birth is the few moments right before you deliver your baby into the world. You are exhausted beyond what you can even cannot stand it anymore. You have pushed and pushed and have exhausted all your strength.

You want to scream, "I can't do this...I can't!" BUT you must! It is at this moment that you must push the hardest and exert yourself the most. You are crying, "I can't," and everyone around you is yelling, "PUSH!"

Then, somewhere deep inside you, strength arises! You have a determination now, where a hopeless feeling used to dwell. Now you cry from the depths of your heart, "I can," and "I will!"

You are at the verge of a breakthrough and perhaps you are tired of believing, but only you can break through to your miracle. Only you can give birth to your destiny! Only you can fight through to your dream's fulfillment. Your God will give you His strength when you have none of your own. When you fall short, He will pick you up because,

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak" (Isaiah 40:29)
Hidden Miracles and Butterflies

I have felt this way - I have felt forgotten by God. I wondered if the promise would ever be fulfilled - if God would ever open the door. I had been teetering on the edge of a breakthrough for so long that I began to doubt. "Would it ever really happen? Maybe God has changed His mind?"

I was tired of waiting, of praying, of hoping in faith! I felt like a butterfly in a cocoon, hidden and forgotten. During that time I wrote this poem:

Someday, I'll Fly...

I've not been myself lately or for some time for that matter. I'm
not sure who "myself" is anymore.

I feel like a caterpillar inside the cocoon. I'm neither a
butterfly nor a caterpillar anymore.I'm not what I used to be nor am I what I'm
going to be.

I cannot go back to what I was,or what was familiar to me. I can't
rush forward and be what I have not yet become.

It's a miserable place to be. It's much like a baby in the womb;
you have to wait it out and stay where you are.

I hope every day will bring the end; I know God is almost done
working.I rejoice because the end is near, but still the pain increases.

It's become too easy to not be anything, just a cocoon. I want to
give up, but You won't let me.

I'm not the caterpillar I used to be and I'm not the butterfly I
know I am becoming.

Becoming a butterfly is scary, painful and exhausting.

I guess I don't want to remain a nothing, so I'll endure the
torturous path out of this cocoon.

And I know, someday, I'll fly!

Years ago, we lived in a house with dozens of trees around it. In the fall, the trees were covered with cocoons. We would walk by them all the time without taking much notice of them. A miracle was taking place before us and we paid little attention to it.

But in the fall, our trees were covered with hundreds of beautiful butterflies. Our children would run through the trees and the butterflies would all take flight. It was a glorious sight to see hundreds of butterflies fill the air, sunlight reflecting off their wings.

Caterpillars are ugly little things, but butterflies are gorgeous. God loves to make something beautiful out of something ugly. God loves to take the ugly things of our past that satan meant for our destruction, and turn them into a powerful weapon He can use for our construction.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Death Gives Birth to Life

God takes you through "ugly" situations only to turn you into something beautiful. The Cross looked like the end of a dream to the disciples. They expected their Messiah to come, overthrow the Romans, and establish His Kingdom on this earth. The death of Jesus looked like the end of all their dreams.

Christ tried to warn the disciples of His impending death, but when He spoke of dying, Peter declared, "This shall never happen to You!" (Matthew 16:22). Christ knew that this must happen. Like a seed planted in the ground must cease to be a seed in order to become a plant, He knew that His life on earth, as it had been, must end or He could not bring forth the gift of eternal life for those who would believe in Him.

"In a little while you will see Me no more, and then after a little while you will see Me, because I am going to the Father." John 16:17

His death gave birth to life! "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies'" (John 11:25).

The "cocoon" that you are in right now is the "death" that will give birth to your destiny. The painful situation you are enduring right now could be the launching pad for your future.

If you feel as though you are invisible, rejoice that you are. God has hidden you away to change you in secret, but soon He will pull you out like a secret weapon and show you off to the world.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:16

Your Heavenly Father will declare, "Look at what My grace has done!" The world will praise Him because they can see what He has done in you. You are His trophy! His reward!

Some may argue then, that you have no right to be where God has placed you. But the voice of your accusers will not even reach your ears, because you have paid the price; you have endured and you have overcome.

And "You will soar on wings like eagles" (Isaiah 40:31), and yes, you will fly!

This Could Be the Day

When the expected due date for each of my children neared, I would awaken each day with the expectancy that today could be the day that I would deliver this child. Each day I would think, "Today could be the day.

I never thought to myself that it just could not happen today, because I knew my time was coming and that this day could be the day that I would give birth.

As each day ended without seeing the birth of my baby, I would feel somewhat disappointed. But once again, another morning would come and I would arise with hope from Heaven, remembering that this day could be the day. And I was prepared to go at any time; I had my bags packed and gas in the car.

Each day that you serve God and wait on His timing for your destiny's fulfillment is one day closer to its birth. As you near your time of delivery, you feel in your spirit that the time is near.

Perhaps today is the day! You look around and see your Christian brothers and sisters receiving the promises of God in their lives - you are happy for them.

But when is it your turn? When will your destiny come forth in the way God promised it would? Each day we must prepare our hearts to believe that, "this could be the day He fulfills His promises to me," and then suddenly He does.

The longer you serve God, the deeper you will trust Him to bring the promise to pass for you. As you near the time of receiving the fulfillment of His call on your life, you can know that every day will bring you one day closer. Today could be the day you receive a great blessing from God.

Today could hold the answer you have been waiting for.

Wait in faith through each day as a woman waiting to give birth. God does not bring you to the time of birth just to stop the whole process. He did not bring you this far to leave you now. He will not forget you! It will happen! And remember that "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it" (Philippians 1:6).

"God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act?" Numbers 23:19

If He's promised it, He will do it!

Say this with me: God will do what He has promised. He has not forgotten me, for I am constantly in His thoughts. God is waiting to fulfill His Word through me. It will happen! This could be the day! God cannot lie; He will not change His mind. I choose to believe what God has told me and not the lies of fear and doubt.

He has you hidden for a purpose - you are His secret weapon!

Victoria Boyson Speaking Life Ministries Email:
As posted on the Elijah List