Monday, August 18, 2008

Will you resist change or embrace it?

If you want to grow in the things of God you need to be ready for change. To be able to walk in the new thing that God is wanting to do in your life you will probably need to let go of something.

Embracing change ususally involves letting go.

John Paul Jackson said

"If you allow God to move in your life and do what He wants to do, you’ll enjoy the change. And if you don’t … then you won’t, for obvious reasons. In this e-letter, I would like to talk to you about something that goes hand in hand with transition. It is the hardest part of change, actually, and is what makes change so often difficult.

Jesus said that whoever loses his life will find it (Matthew 10:39). Growing spiritually is possible only if you’re willing to let go of the old in order to gain the new. In other words, you gain by losing; you give up your life in order to find it.

But there’s a secret in that. What you need to give up is the thing that’s holding you back. You might think it is good, but it is actually keeping you from your destiny."

To read more of this newsletter go to

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