Monday, October 20, 2008

Rediscovering Spiritual Deposts

My prayer is that this word delivered through John Belt will help to awaken that which God has deposited within you.

"Spiritual Deposits Will Be Rediscovered!"

"Awake, my glory! Awake, lute and harp! I will awaken the dawn." Psalm 57:8

We are in a season of the culmination of anointings that have been deposited through the years. It is time to stir the well within and see God's glory released in power through us.

"...that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places..." Ephesians 1:17-21

Spiritual Deposits Rediscovered

Many of us have experienced various anointings and deep experiences with the Lord in our personal history with Him. These are places where the Lord has met with us in significant ways and made spiritual deposits in our lives. But over time, sometimes either these experiences have worn off, or died out and/or are no longer fresh, alive and real in our lives.

I would like to encourage you to come into a place of spiritual tenaciousness that you may engage in consistent hunger in your pursuits to see these giftings, anointings and mantles resurface and open up in your heart. God desires to awaken these treasures inside of us in this new season of restoration and fulfillment.

"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands." 2 Timothy 1:6
Impartations of the Spirit come through both vessels of God and through God Himself by spending time with Him - all of which are gifts that never leave us, but many times lay dormant within us. Therefore, there is a need for us to stir these gifts and anointings in the wells of our hearts so they may be released once again.

Divine Quickening!

Can these bones live?

"And He said to me, 'Son of man, can these bones live?' So I answered, 'O Lord GOD, You know.'" Ezekiel 37:3
Over the process of time, it can become hard for us to believe that these things could be rekindled in us. But the Lord says, "Nothing is too difficult for Me" (see Mark 10:27).

In our journey of life, revelations, experiences and anointings that have come in rich seasons with God can be diminished and even completely forgotten to a great degree - if not completely. Just like the children of Israel had forgotten the works which God performed, we too can easily forget if we don't renew our minds and enter into an experience with God on a regular basis.

Through religious shutdown, difficult relationships, bad relationships or aligning with the wrong thinking, these life-giving experiences and gifts from God can become, as it were, "covered" with what would be like an "iron lid" over the spirit. But these heavenly deposits are still within us. God is ready to quicken these gifts and anointings and make them alive again to take us to a new place in Him.

God is ready to blast off these lids by the power of His Spirit (see Romans 8:11). He is ready to break them apart so that all of the glory, anointing, giftings and mantles will converge within our hearts in this season. This will enable us to fully enter into our destinies as the sons and daughters of God!

His House of Glory

He is also calling forth these hidden, dormant giftings and anointings now for the purpose of seeing His House of Glory built in this day and hour (see 1 Chronicles 22:7).

Just as David was given the blueprints for the House of God in His day, there are anointings that have been deposited and released within men and women that are ready to be revealed again in this hour. In the same way Josiah rediscovered the words of the Lord, so we will again see and experience the glory of the intimate things that God has deposited in us over the years to culminate together in this hour (see 2 Chronicles 34:29-31).

White Seats in High Places!

I recently had a vision of being in a very nice church where everything was perfect, clean, ornate and you could also tell had quite a bit of money invested into it to make it as nice as it was. Then a man came in that I respected in the Holy Spirit. He cringed in the atmosphere of this place saying, "Yuck! Religious!" Obviously he did not like the way things felt there.

Then I was taken up into a place very high in the sky where there were white seats suspended high in the heavens like bleachers in the highest place of a stadium. There was not as much to lean on. It was a very vulnerable place. I was walking around these empty seats as I felt God offering invitations for the Body of Christ to come take their places in these seats.

Holding On to Him in High Places

Heavenly places in the glory of God are for the people of God. He wants us to be seated here because this is where we have been destined and designed to live. This is a spiritual reality that is available to us - a place of true spiritual authority and dominion. In this place we find freedom from religious constraints and living by a list so we can live by the power of His Spirit. Our intimacy with Him must lead us to a place of dominion over the religious lethargy, the comforts of this life and the seductions of this world.

It is in the place of ascension where we can exercise the authority of Christ in our lives and in the earth. It is also in these high places where we are the most dependent upon God and His power, provision and promise. Victory is guaranteed when we live in this realm.

"Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, Who seek Your face." Psalm 24:3-6
These high places are also the realm of purity. Not one of us can ascend to the Hill of God except we have clean hands and a pure heart. That means that we walk in a place where our heart is in continual pursuit of the heart of God. This is why the seats were "white." White is symbolic for "purity." The air gets cleaner the higher and higher we go. God does not allow contaminants in the atmosphere. Thanks to the blood of Christ we can ascend and live there!

God is calling for pure trust and obedience to Him. This is the place where we learn to lean upon Him and not our own natural understanding. It is here that we are holding on to Him! Come and take your place in these seats suspended in His glorious heavens!

Worship in the Glory!
John Belt
Live In His Presence Ministries

As posted on the Elijah List

1 comment:

Lynne Lee said...

The recording of the How To Hear God teleseminar is available to listen in online or download as an mp3 file

Here is the link to access the recording

Christian Life Coaching Teleseminars