Tuesday, October 31, 2006

God Speaks In Many Ways

"For God does speak, now one way, now another, though man may not perceive it." Job 33:14

God speaks to us in ways we often miss. He has many ways of speaking, some of them unexpected.

Most of us hear God through His word, His peace, a still small voice, circumstances, other Christians, wisdom and common sense. God speaks in other ways too and that’s what I want to encourage you to consider today.

It's important not to get bogged down with how He Speaks. The important thing is to expect Him to speak and be ready for Him to speak in unexpected ways.

If we want to hear God, the first thing we need to do is learn how to tune in to His voice. The better we get to know God and His ways the easier it is to tune in and recognise when it's Him speaking.

Learning to recognise when God is speaking takes time and effort. The more often we meet with God and talk with Him, the clearer His voice becomes. When we become familiar with God's presence and His voice it's easier to hear.

Sometimes we don't hear God because we're not really expecting Him to speak or because we expect Him to speak in a certain way. When He speaks in a way we don't expect, we often miss what He's saying.

God is full of surprises. We must never forget that He isn't human and it's a mistake to limit Him to what we know or expect.

We need to be open to God speaking to us in any way He chooses and not just in those ways that are familiar.

The way in which each of us 'hears' from God varies. God’s 'voice' isn't limited to words. He speaks through all of His creation.

Many of us 'hear' God speaking to us through our circumstances or surroundings. In the Bible, He spoke to people in ways that they could see and experience in their daily lives. God communicated with people through what was obvious and all around them.
He does the same with us today.

Larry Randolph tells us "the human body is like a giant ear drum that processes thousands of pieces of information from every spectrum of life"

We hear God through all of our senses. The 'sound' of His voice comes in many different ways. There is no set way of hearing God.

These are some of the ways He speaks to us and some of the means He uses:

An inner voice
An inner witness of the Holy Spirit
Inspired thought
His peace
Mental pictures
Physical senses
The heavens
Symbolic language
Other people
Events in the secular world
Apparent coincidences
His written word
Even an audible voice, though I have to tell you, that’s rare.

God often speaks to us in a combination of ways; creating a symphony that we are able to hear once we learn to tune in.

Psalm 119:105 tells us that God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

Many of us have had a Scripture suddenly come into our mind or a Bible reference, which, when we look it up, speaks directly to our situation.

God often speaks to us through His word. We need to read it, study it and meditate on it. It's a lamp to our feet and a plumb line to measure everything by.

On the back cover of Larry Randolph's book, 'Spirit Talk', it says, "It was in the garden of Eden that the creator first communed with His creation. Since that time, generations of men have forgotten that God is a talking God, and as a result many live in a vacuum of spiritual silence. Thus, the age-old question: Could the Creator really be speaking today? And, if so, how do we perceive the sound of His Voice?"

In the coming weeks we'll be looking at the different ways in which God communicates with us and how to recognise His voice.

You can hear God's voice every day and it's much easier than you think.

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