Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Knowing God

We can know God as certainly as we know things in our physical world. We know things in the physical world by our physical senses.

We have spiritual senses too, and when we use them, can know God and the spiritual world - all we need to do is to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and actually use our spiritual senses.

How do we use our spiritual senses?

Faith is the key. It's faith that enables our spiritual senses to function, without faith, we can't know God.

We tend to think of the visible world as real and doubt the reality of the spiritual realm. We don't actually deny that it exists - we doubt that it's real.

Sin has clouded our sight so that we struggle to see the spiritual realm. But that doesn't stop the spiritual realm being real. The spiritual realm is real. It's time to break the habit of ignoring the spiritual. Now is the time to move our interest from the seen to the unseen.

If we really want to follow God we need to become 'other-worldly'.

God always intended that we enter into the Kingdom while here on earth.

As we focus on God we will begin to see the things of the Spirit. Obedience will lead to revelation.
When we are more conscious of God we will begin to taste, see, hear and experience God, who is our life.

As our spiritual senses become tuned, God will become more real to us and His presence will be evident.

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