Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Understanding Your Dreams – Seven Foundational Principles To Help You Unlock The Meaning Of Your Dreams.

Throughout the ages God has spoken to people through their dreams and He still speaks through dreams today. He uses dreams for many things. Dreams
  • counsel
  • heal
  • direct
  • instruct
  • reveal
  • inspire
  • make you aware of God's plans and intentions...

Why does God use dreams rather than speak to you directly?

Dreams bypass you conscious mind. God often speaks through dreams as a way of getting past your natural defences and resistance.

Here are seven things to bear in mind when trying to understand what God is saying through your dreams.

  1. Your dream is likely to be about you and for you, 95% of the dreams you dream are about you.

  2. Most dreams are symbolic. Remember to look at your dreams symbolically. Dreams are rarely literal. The meaning of the symbol may be personal to you. Ask yourself, "What does this symbol mean to me?" When interpreting dreams, look for metaphors and similes.

  3. Your dreams are often about concerns that you are facing now. Ask, "What issues were concerning me when I had the dream?" When you know what you were thinking about before you had the dream, it's easier to understand the dream.

  4. Depend on the Holy Spirit to help you to interpret the dream. Ask Him to help you to understand what the symbols mean.

  5. When you arrive at the correct interpretation you'll know. If your conclusions don't "feel quite right" you've probably not got it yet.

  6. Dreams will help you see things that you've been blind to but dreams are not given to condemn you. Ask yourself, "What's the purpose of this dream? Why did God give me this dream and cause me to remember it?"

  7. Never make a major decision based only on a dream. Look for confirmation through the many different ways that God speaks to you. Peace in your heart, the counsel of others, God's Word, His still small voice, prophecy...

Learn to think outside the box. God often uses unexpected ways to speak to you. Look for plays on words and learn to think laterally.

The easiest way to interpret a dream is to identify the main symbols first. Start with the first symbol and try to interpret it. Do the same with the next symbol. Continually ask yourself "What does this symbol mean to me?"

Once you know what the symbols mean, replay the dream seeking revelation until you sense that you know what God is saying to you.

If you don't already, I recommend that you start recording your dreams and set time aside to seek God for their meaning.

For more on understanding your dreams, I invite you to visit

God still speaks through dreams

Understanding your dreams

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I could not have got a better answer thank you and it does make you want to continue to grow.