Thursday, September 13, 2007

We Are A People Who Will Do Great Exploits

Consider This

You are a child of God and were born again in order to do great exploits. In the Old Testament these exploits were perhaps more exciting and visible as the mighty men of David killed hundreds and thousands of enemies for God.

You were born again not so that you could wait and enjoy the God-life upon your death and entrance into heaven. No, you were born again so that you could experience the God-life (the abundant life) right now; right here where you live, work, and play regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in.

You may not free a nation thru miraculous signs and wonders, you may not slay a Goliath in front of a multitude of men, and maybe you will not get promoted from menial housekeeper to ruler over the land. But, then again, maybe you will!

Consider this: YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD and were created to do great exploits.

Great Exploits = Defeating the works of the enemy
Great Exploits = Expanding God's dominion of love and grace

You can be this person. You are this person of great exploits. God says it about you and I believe it. Believe it with me!

Your great exploit may be praying and slaying a co-worker's giant of cancer. It could be standing in the gap for a family that is going thru a financial catastrophe. It may look like a smile and an encouraging word each and every day you walk into work.

It could be stepping up to the plate and leading a needed ministry and providing a service in your community. It might mean being a dad or a mom and providing for someone without family.

Maybe it looks normal to you and you are already naturally doing it. Look at it again and do it as unto God and it will produce supernatural fruit.
Learn to THINK BIG, BELIEVE BIG and BE BIG; not for your selfish gain but for the sake of the rest of the world around you.

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