Sunday, September 16, 2007

When You Fail You Simply Learn A Way NOT To Do Something - You Have Not Blown It When You Fail

Be encouraged to see apparent failures as stepping stones. When you fail you've simply learned how not to do something. Pick yourself up and try another way.

I hope this article by Robert Riccardelli will encourage you to dust yourself down and have another go.


There is a golf term that is used often after a player has hit the ball in the direction of the green. The ball may have not landed in the desired location (the place you were aiming), yet, there is still hope to get the next shot one step closer to the mark. An encouraging phrase that is sometimes used is, "That'll play," which means, "You have not blown it." You are still in the game and can believe for a better shot on your next swing.

A friend of ours was recently playing golf with his son. His son is grown, has a family, and has experienced success and failure along the path of life. On one of the fairways, the son hit a wayward shot that would normally frustrate the average golfer. The father said, "Son, that'll play." The son reflected on the many times his father had encouraged him with this phrase on the golf course, but also, how many more times this expression had encouraged him as a principle for life. His Dad had always been there to remind him that no matter how many times he blew it--it was okay. He knew his dad was proud of him, and had felt continual love and encouragement to trust the Lord's abounding grace in every situation.

What a wonderful picture of a father who loves and encourages his son no matter how many times he misses the mark in his life. This is a tremendous example of the Father's love for us when we have failed. He is always saying, "My dear children, in Me and through Me--that'll play."

What a comfort to know that we do not have to worry about our past. The Father is saying, "It does not matter, take another swing towards the upward calling I have for you." So, if you have hooked your life into the deep, rough, and have sliced your life onto the fairway of failure, that'll play--just readjust your aim, lean into the wind of the Holy Spirit, allowing His presence to guide you, swing again, and continue to walk the course the Lord has set for you.

Get Back Into the Game

Some helpful reminders in getting back into the game of Spirit-led, Kingdom living:

Start Where You Are: No matter where you have been, you can start now by turning away from unfruitful living. Repent and the Lord will forgive you and not hold your past against you. Begin where you are. Where you are is good enough for our God as you give the rest of your life to Him today, this very moment.

Use What You Have: The Father has created you in His image with incredible potential inside of you just waiting to be released. You have gifts and talents beyond what you realize and they can be used today. Do not be deceived in thinking you do not have enough to give to this world. You have everything you need and you have the Father to fill in the gaps along the way.

Do What You Can: You do not need to hit "a hole in one." You only need to stay in the game and do the best that you can as the Holy Spirit navigates your steps. All you can do is truly--all you can do. So, be at peace and rest in Him.

Love, Love, Love: Love is the answer. God is love, so Jesus and love are the answer. Love God with all of your heart and love yourself, because God loves you and created you with greatness in mind. As you build from the foundation of love, you can love those around you and even your enemies. Watch as His Presence in you begins to extend from your life to impact others and even transform the spiritual climate, wherever He leads you. This is all to the glory of God as you begin walking anew this day.

Pull Out That Driver: So you have blown it like every other human being. Maybe you hit the rough more times than others. In the agape love of our wonderful Savior, it does not matter. It matters that you do not give up. It matters that you get on the course again, put the ball on the tee, pull out that driver, and rip it down the fairway of your new life.
Do not fear as you give it a go, because whether you hook, slice, or hit the mark, in Jesus--"That'll play."

Robert Ricciardelli Vision Advancement Strategies Email:

As posted on the Elijah List email:


Anonymous said...

Hey there thank you so much for writing this article. I feel like I am a failure because I know what God has done for me yet my life is in turmoil. This time it seems like there is no way out but this article has shown me that nothing is beyond God, that eventhough I have really messed up, he loves me still

Anonymous said...

This is so encouraging. Especially to someone who keeps missing the mark in the same ways over and over again. I take the burden harder cause I tell myself I know better! I guess I truly don't trust that God will satisfy all ... or at least thats the rationale I give myself to try again ... What do you do with the guilt you feel after missing the mark?

Lynne Lee said...
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Lynne Lee said...

if you've dealt with sin and are right with God then you simply acknowledge that feelings of guilt are just feelings.

The truth is that once you confess sin and ask for forgiveness God declares you not guilty. So take the guilty thoughts captive and tell yourself the truth.

You are not guilty, God has forgiven you, simply choose to agree with God and forgive yourself too.

Anonymous said...