Friday, October 12, 2007

Rest in God

Daily Words:Upwords from the "Logos" (written Word of God) and "Rhema" Words (spoken Words) meant to build up, to exhort or comfort

Heb 4:10 For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. NKJV

A message from Jesus

The Most Productive People ...

Discern the most spiritually productive people of all time and you will find their first priority was to linger in communion with Me for hours. You will know when you are truly abiding in Me because the more you are pressured to worry or to "do," the more you must "abide" in Me - listening - journaling - praising me ahead of time. Yes, you will do your part, like march around Jericho in silent faith, until the day I release you to shout. But, you will know that your battles are really won as you worship Me ahead of time and have quiet confidence in My strength.

Become more sensitive to your tendency to transfer your faith from Me back to yourself. When you feel that urgency to leave communion with Me because you must get up and "get something done," it will be wood, hay and stubble. True productivity (silver, gold and precious stones) comes when you are clear that apart from Me, you can do nothing. You will reproduce reproducers who are what 'you are' - not 'what you do.'

Try it; actively put your faith in what I alone can do.

I AM the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent One.

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