Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Authority In The Name Of Jesus

As a believer and follower of Jesus you have power in His name.

Authority in the Name of Jesus

"Do I hear you professing to believe in the one and only God, but then observe you complacently sitting back as if you had done something wonderful? That's just great. Demons do that, but what good does it do them?" James 2:19

We have it on good authoity that every knee will bow at the name of Jesus. Everything is subject to Jesus' powerful name. His name is powerful! His name is greater than disability, greater than cancer, greater than divorce, greater than depression, greater than anything you can name. When we stand clothed in Jesus' righteousness and use the authority that we have been given He sees to it that the words we utter do not return to us empty.

The Power of the Word of God

"The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" Hebrews 4:12

The Word of God can be used to break every stronghold. The Word of God is living and active and it is powerful. When combined with faith it is lethal to the enemy.

I encourage you to read Epesians 6 and put on the full armor of God every single day so that you are prepared ahead of time to face the battles and withstand the enemy.

  • Seek the Kingdom first
  • Remember that you are seated in heavenly places
  • Take hold of the your authority you have been given
  • Submit yourself to God
  • Resist the devil
  • Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus
  • Renew your mind with the word of God
  • Declare the promises of His Word and
  • Face each day prepared.

The battle is the Lord's and it is already won. I encourage you to speak out the victory you have in Jesus. Refuse to be defeated. Rise up and be who you are in Christ.

If you follow the links you'll find Scriptures to remind you who you are in Christ and to help to build your faith


Tia Lynn said...

Are you of the name it and claim it clan? I believe God has given us a certain amount of authority, but ultimately we should pray that God's will be done, as Jesus did...because ultimately God knows what's best, even if it looks VERY different than what we expect.

Lynne Lee said...

No I'm not of the name it and claim it clan. Jesus did nothing without hearing from God. I believes He wants us to walk closely with the Father and that when we live daily in God's presence we can know His thoughts about situations.
I wouldn't presume to pray into a situation without asking God to show me how to pray first.

There are some very clear promises in God's word and I have no hesitation about praying God's word back to Him or of declaring spritual truths. My prayer in every situation is that God's will be done and His Kingdom come.
There are times when God directs us to call things into being, or to speak to the mountain.
I believe that we are called to rule and reign with Jesus and there are times when He directs us to speak to the circumstances.

Mark said...

Being a person of faith I hear quite a lot about this name it and claim it "clan" and have come to the conclusion that the enemey will use good Christian people to try to discredit the word of God.

After all, the name it and claim it "clan" got there belief from the Bible, but have taken it to consume upon themselves.

So to throw the TRUTH of God's word out, just because a few have abused it, is to fall right into the hands of the enemy.

I agree with you Lynne Lee, for without standing in our authority that God the Father has given to us through his Son and in the name of Jesus we would not gain victory over the enemy, but would be deceived and simply acccept the things from the enemy as the will of God.Each and every believer must get onto the word of God for themselves to see if what they have been taught is the TRUTH of the WHOLE word of God. This includes the name it and claim it "clan" as well as those who blindy accept things as being the will of God. Thanks for reading.

Lynne Lee said...

It's so easy to throw away our heritgage in God because some people go further than Scripture says or get caught up in soulish things.

Way back in Genesis God gave us a mandate to rule and have dominion. The New Testament tells us that we are a royal priesthood and called to rule and reign with Christ.

Jesus bought our freedom at very great cost yet many are still living in chains.

God made us in His image, He longs for us to rise up and become who he called us to be.